Login and the homescreen will allow you to choose a project to view.  

Click <span class=""><i><b>Start</b></i></span>

Use the Prime and Sub header to display drill down to specific data.

Use the Prime filter to choose your project.

Choose "All" to show the whole project or drill down to certain Sub data

Click different projects and the data modules automatically update below to reflect your selections.

Click values in the 7Day – Cumulative grid to display worker data below.<br>

Select a statistic, then scroll through worker details in the bottom panel.

Click any statistic to populate the "Worker Details" panel and get more information about the workers on your jobsite.

*need info for this chart

Use the navigation to toggle between in-depth reports.

*do a slide on daily report status when data makes sense… waiting on spotfire

*do a slide on daily report status when data makes sense… waiting on spotfire<br>

Click on a date to display information about saved vs. submitted dailies.&nbsp; Get at-a-glance monthly recaps with the red/green daily reporting feature.

Click <span class="component"><i><b>GC Daily Report</b></i></span>

Click any data point to display additional details in the bottom panel.

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Workforce Analytics</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>1666</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>highlight</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>highlight</b></i></span>

Use the Category dropdown to choose how you view project data

Data breakouts will automatically populate based on your selection.

Refresh the page or Reset the filters to show a full project recap.

Select how you'd like to aggregate the data.

The Labor Detail Calendar date helpers allow you to easily zoom in on worker details by date.&nbsp;<br>

Add a search parameter to further filter and hone in on project opportunities or successes.&nbsp;&nbsp;

The Badged Worker page shows badges across all your projects and allows you to view active, inactive,&nbsp;

The Badged Worker page shows badges across all your projects and allows you to analyze by badge number, active, inactive, screen date, etc.<br>

Manage your project hierarchy and affiliations via the Subcontractor Hierarchy page.